Our Services and Price

Affordable prices


Therapist consultation:

  • (initial) 180 złoty;
  • follow-up 150 złoty
  • Konsultacja ginekologiczna 200zł
  • Pakiet ginekologiczny USG + konsultacja (Paweł Barański) 350zł
  • USG prenatalne 1 trymestr (Paweł Barański) 400zł
  • USG prenatalne 2 trymestr (Paweł Barański) 400zł
  • USG prenatalne 3 trymestr (Paweł Barański) 400zł
  • Konsultacja urologiczna z USG (Paweł Stelmach) 300zł
  • Konsultacja andrologiczna z USG 300zł


  • Konsultacja Dermatologiczna (Daria Gorawska) 250zł
  • Konsultacja Dermatologiczna oraz dermatoskopia 270zł
  • Konsultacja Dermatologiczna – Dzieci 250zł
  • Wycięcie zmiany skórnej/naczyń – elektrokoagulacja/laser(1 zmiana) 250zł
  • Wycięcie zmiany skórnej/naczyń – elektrokoagulacja/laser(2-3 zmiany) 350zł
  • Wycięcie zmiany skórnej/naczyń – elektrokoagulacja/laser(4 i więcej zmian) 450zł
  • Zabiegi medycyny estetycznej

Modern medical services

medical services
World class

Supporting Your Digestive Health Journey

We provide expert care for your digestive health, offering advanced and personalized solutions.

Our approach is holistic, focusing on improving your overall well-being while addressing specific digestive concerns with care and expertise.


Empowering Women's Health and Wellness

Our clinic is a sanctuary for women’s health, offering compassionate care and comprehensive services.

We focus on empowering women at every stage of life, ensuring comfort, confidentiality, and expert guidance.


Nurturing Your Child's Health and Happiness

We specialize in caring for your little ones, providing a warm and welcoming environment where every child’s health and well-being is our top priority.

Our approach is gentle, attentive, and always centered on your child’s needs.


Enhancing Your Skin's Health and Beauty

Our clinic is dedicated to nurturing your skin’s health, offering innovative treatments and expert advice.

We understand the importance of healthy skin and work towards enhancing your natural beauty with our personalized and gentle approach.


Comprehensive Care for Your Overall Well-being

Our clinic offers a holistic approach to your health, with a focus on preventative care and general wellness.

Our experienced team provides attentive and personalized services, ensuring that all aspects of your health are cared for with the utmost dedication and expertise.


Advanced Ultrasound Imaging for Accurate Diagnostics

Equipped with state-of-the-art ultrasound technology, our clinic offers precise and non-invasive imaging services.

Our skilled technicians ensure a comfortable experience, providing clear images that aid in accurate diagnosis and effective treatment planning.

Ultrasound diagnostics

Do you have any Question?

If you’re in need of clarification, have questions about specific tests or procedures, or simply want to inquire about our services, we’re here to help. Reach out to us through our chat support for prompt assistance or call us directly for more personalized guidance.

We understand that healthcare can be complex, and we are dedicated to providing you with the answers and support you need to make informed decisions about your health.